Monthly Archives: October 2011

A taste from the past: vintage public health campaign posters!

We have discussed before about the use of social media in Public Health, what seems to be the way forward in Public Health campaings. But what about the way backward (in time, that is; in some cases also in content)? How were Public Health campaigns in the past? What has changed and what remains similar?… Read more »


Landscape and Health: Effects, Potential and Strategies: International Conference soon to be held in Switzerland!

Urbanisation is a problem that has been recently recognised by the WHO as posing major dangers to health: with more than 50% of the world’s population living in urban areas, it is inevitable that landscapes and their qualities will change.  Moreover, urban environments tend to discourage physical activity and  promote unhealthy food consumption which, in… Read more »

Bad science explained: watch the video by Dr Ben Goldacre!

We have previously talked about how seing something published doesn’t make it true. In that same post, I had recommended a list of online sources that deal with issues of studies of dubious methodology which somehow get a lot of press attention. This list included Bad Science, a blog by Dr Ben Goldacre , who… Read more »